Autor(s): Hunggul Yudono Setio Hadi Nugroho, Anne van der Veen, Andrew Skidmore, Yousif A. Hussin
DOI: 10.20886/ijfr.2017.4.1.69-83


Limited transparency, accountability, and participation in policy formulation as well as implementation mainly based on economic considerations, all lead to failure to attain sustainable forest management (SFM).  Along with the reluctance of policy makers and lacking stakeholder capacity, less accurate data bases has also indicated a constraint in the development of appropriate action. The issues have been more complicated where they were correlated with economic imperatives, vested interest, ownership issues and the basic rights of indigenous communities living inside or adjacent the forest.  Forest destruction will be no end without securing customary  land and territorial rights.  To cope with these issues, the concept of fair governance has been promoted as an alternative to the traditional pattern of administration. In this paper, we propose a theoretical framework for policy development in order to attain SFM while respecting the rights of the adat people.  We show that adaptive governance, adaptive management, and participatory learning are strategic approaches in  governance reform to achieve sustainable forest management securing the customary rights and traditional land use of forest dependent people.


Forest management, adaptive governance, spatial planning, Indonesia, adat

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