Osly Rachman, Dede Rohadi, Jamal Balfas


This paper discuses the results of study on the sawing and machining characteristics of aren wood (Arenga pinnata). The material used in this study consisted of 26 logs with diameter ranging from 23 cm to 42 cm. These logs were sawn using two cutting patterns, namely live sawing and round sawing. The parameters observed in the sawing procees comprised recovery, productivity  and power consumption.                                                                                              .

The result of statistical analysis reveals non significant differences of  the effect  of  the two cutting patterns on sawing recovery and sawing productivity.  On the other hand, the location of bolt within the stem does not seem to have significant effect on power consumption. The average values of recovery, sawing productivity and power consumption of  Aren stem are respectively 13,48%, 6,09 m3/hour and 64,92 watt sec./cm2.

The machining characteristic of aren wood was tested  in accordance with the modified ASTM D- 1666 (64).The material for  the test consisted of 25 samples for each machining property tested (planing, shaping, turning, boring and sanding). The result shows that aren wood has good to very good machining characteristic especially in planing, shaping, boring and sanding.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20886/jphh.1989.6.3.145-151


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