Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan

Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan (JPHH) History

Journal of Forest Products Research is a scientific publication reporting research findings in the field of anatomy, physical and mechanical, fiber technology, composite, biodeterioration and preservation of lignocellulosic materials, forest products drying technology, wood sawing and machining, wood and non wood forest products processing, chemical and forest products energy processing, forest engineering and wood and non wood forest products harvesting. This journal has been accredited by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RISTEKDIKTI) with Second Grade (Sinta 2) since years 2020 to 2024 as a Scientific Journal (Accreditation Number 200/M/KPT/2020). This journal was first published in 1984 and issued four numbers in one volume every year. Up to vol. 35 No. 4 year 2017, Journal of Forest Product Research is published with frequency four times a year (March, June, September and December). In Volume 36 of 2018, the Journal of Forest Products Research is published with frequency three times a year (March, July and November).

This journal is published by the Forest Products Research and Development Center, Research, Development and Innovation Agency, The Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The center was formerly known as the Forestry Engineering and Forest Products Processing Research and Development Center, Forestry Research and Development Agency, The Ministry of Forestry. The publisher's name has changed since the amalgamation of the Ministry of Forestry with the Ministry of Environment into the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Presidential Decree No. 16/2015). Thus, Forestry Engineering and Forest Products Processing Research and Development Center was transformed into the Forest Products Research and Development Center. The publisher logo has also changed customizing the logo of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

This journal was first published in 1984 as ‘Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan’ with the ISSN 0216-4329. In 1996 the journal name changed into ‘Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan’ with the ISSN 0852-1638. In 2004, the journal transformed into ‘Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan’ with the ISSN 0216-4329.


Open Access Policy

Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan (JPHH, Journal of Forest Products Research) is an open access journal. This Journal does not charge any processing fees or shipping charges. All manuscripts submitted to JPHH under the open access publishing model. In this publishing model, all the papers are through a review process by reviewer and under control of editorial team. The manuscript will be published electronically and can be accessed on our website. Authors can also use the pdf of manuscript which has been published for non-commercial use on personal websites or institution’ sites. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of JPHH.


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Migrasi OJS

Posted: 2023-02-24
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Vol 40, No 3 (2022): Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan

Full Issue

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Table of Contents


Deazy Rachmi Trisatya, Achmad Supriadi, Ignasia Maria Sulastiningsih
Haryono Haryono, Engela Evy Ernawati, Atiek Rostika Noviyanti
Sarah Andini, Sukadaryati Sukadaryati, Mutia Herni Ningrum, Soenarno Soenarno
Effendi Tri Bahtiar, Asep Denih, Lina Karlinasari, Gustian Rama Putra, Naresworo Nugroho, Sulistyono Sulistyono
Nur Adi Saputra, Deded Sarip Nawawi, Akhiruddin Maddu, Gustan Pari, Wasrin Syafii
Dede Suhendar, Afifah Tasdiq, Asep Supriadin, Yusuf Rohmatulloh
Khairun Hidayat, Naresworo Nugroho, Dede Hermawan