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KERAGAMAN DAN POTENSI JAMUR DI HUTAN KOTA SEMARANG, JAWA TENGAH (Diversity and Potency of Macrofungi at City Forest Of Semarang, Central Java)

Ivan Permana Putra, Ferry Augustinus



Macrofungi are the organism which often overlooked in the recording effort of biodiversity in Indonesia. Until nowdays, the data on mushroom diversity in Indonesia is still limited. In fact, they have various benefits and are easily found in various ecological niches in Indonesia. However, the forest ecosystem around urban residential areas is a place that rarely records the mushroom diversity and its potential uses. This study aimed to provide preliminary information regarding some macrofungi's diversity and potential use in the urban forest, Gunungpati Subdistrict, Semarang City, Central Java. A total of ten fungi were identified and described in this study. All these fungi are part of the phylum of Basidiomycota, which is divided into six orders and nine families. They are: Auricularia cf. nigricans, Tremella cf. fuciformis, Gymnopus sp., Coprinellus sect. domestici, Macrocybe sp., Lycoperdon cf. curtisii, Ganoderma sp., Lentinus cf. sajor-caju, Mutinus cf. elegans, and Geastrum sp. Some mushrooms are known to have potential as food (Auricularia cf. nigricans, Coprinellus sect. Domestici, Macrocybe sp., Lycoperdon cf. curtisii, and Lentinus cf. sajor-caju) and medicine (Auricularia cf. nigricans, Ganoderma sp. and Tremella cf. fuciformis). This study is the first to document the diversity of fungus in the research area. It is expected to be used to disseminate mycology by a variety of interested parties.


Jamur merupakan organisme yang sering terabaikan pada saat pencatatan keragaman hayati di Indonesia. Hingga saat ini, data mengenai diversitas jamur di Indonesia masih sangat rendah. Padahal, organisme ini memilki berbagai manfaat dan mudah ditemukan pada berbagai relung ekologi di Indonesia. Kawasan hutan di sekitar pemukiman perkotaan merupakan tempat yang jarang memiliki catatan keragaman dan potensi pemanfaatan jamur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan informasi awal mengenai keragaman jamur di di Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Sebanyak10 jamur berhasil diidentifikasi dan dipertelakan pada penelitian ini. Seluruh jamur tersebut merupakan bagian dari filum Basidiomycota yang terbagi ke dalam 6 ordo dan 9 famili. Jamur-jamur tersebut adalah: Auricularia cf. nigricans, Tremella cf. fuciformis, Gymnopus sp., Coprinellus sect. Domestici, Macrocybe sp., Lycoperdon cf. curtisii, Ganoderma sp., Lentinus cf. sajor-caju, Mutinus cf. elegans,dan Geastrum sp. Beberapa jamur diketahui memiliki potensi sebagai bahan pangan (Auricularia cf. nigricans, Coprinellus sect. Domestici, Macrocybe sp., Lycoperdon cf. curtisii, dan Lentinus cf. sajor-caju) dan obat (Auricularia cf. nigricans, Ganoderma sp. dan Tremella cf. fuciformis). Tulisan ini merupakan catatan pertama mengenai keragaman jamur di lokasi penelitian dan diharapkan mampu untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan diseminasi ilmu mikologi oleh berbagai pihak terkait.


Hutan Kota, Jamur, Manfaat, Ragam, Indonesia.


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