PENGARUH PEMBANGUNAN HUTAN TANAMAN TERHADAP TATA AIR (STUDI SIMULASI DI DAS CITANDUY HULU) (Effect of Plantation Forest Development on Water System, A Simulation study in Upper Citanduy Watershed)

Edy Junaidi



Plantation forest development was dominated by commercial timber-producing of tree species, coniferous and deciduous. Plantation forest development affects water yield in an area. Research on the effect of plantation forest development on water yield at the watershed scale has not been widely carried out. This study aimed to predict the environmental effect of plantation forests development three groups of commercial timber-producing groups, namely needle-leaf evergreens, broad-leaf deciduous, and broad-leaf evergreens, on water yield at the watershed scale. This research uses the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) model to assess water yield. Plantations development of needle-leaf evergreens, broad-leaf deciduous and broad-leaf evergreens had no negative effect on water yield. Plantations development of needle-leaf evergreens, contributed maximum water from the base flow and lateral flow in a 60% forest area on a watershed area. A 40% increase in broad-leaf deciduous in the watershed contributes to an increase in water system from surface flow. The results of this study are expected to become a consideration in policy making related to the development of plantation forests at the watershed scale.

Keywords: broad-leaf deciduous; broad-leaf evergreens; needle-leaf evergreens; water yield and SWAT model


Pengembangan hutan tanaman didominasi oleh jenis-jenis pohon penghasil kayu komersial, yaitu pohon daun jarum dan pohon daun lebar. Pembangunan hutan tanaman mempengaruhi hasil air pada suatu wilayah. Penelitian pengaruh pembangunan hutan tanaman terhadap hasil air pada skala Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) belum banyak dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh lingkungan pembangunan hutan tanaman tiga kelompok penghasil kayu komersial yaitu evergreen daun jarum, deciduous daun lebar, dan evergreen daun lebar, terhadap tata air pada skala DAS. Penelitian ini menggunakan model SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) untuk menilai tata air DAS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan hutan tanaman evergreen daun jarum, evergreen daun lebar dan deciduous daun lebar tidak memberikan pengaruh negatif terhadap tata air DAS. Pembangunan hutan tanaman jenis Evergreen daun jarum, memberikan sumbangan air dari base flow dan lateral flow maksimum pada luas hutan 60 % dari luas DAS. Peningkatan 40 % luasan Deciduous daun lebar pada areal DAS memberikan sumbangan peningakatan tata air DAS dari aliran permukaan (surface flow). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pertimbangan dalam pengambilan kebijakan terkait pengembangan hutan tanaman pada skala DAS.

Kata kunci: deciduous daun lebar; evergreen daun jarum; evergreen daun lebar; hasil air dan model SWAT


Deciduous daun lebar, evergreen daun jarum, evergreen daun lebar, hasil air dan model SWAT


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