Heri Santoso, E.K.S Harini Muntasib, Hariadi Kartodihardjo, Rinekso Soekmadi


Tourism management has been developed in Bunaken National Park (BNP) but has not shown satisfactory results. This research aim to identify and describe the roles and the needs of  stakeholders in the governance of  tourism in BNP. Data was collected through interviews, observation and document study, and then analyze by using the stakeholder analysis and requirements analysis. The results showed that there are 17 stakeholders, mostly serves as key players who have high interest and influence. Relationships among stakeholders are in the form of  coordination, cooperation, and potential for conflict. The necessary requirements of  the stakeholders, namely (1) the understanding of  stakeholders on the BNP and its management, as well as the laws and regulations on governing the development of tourism in the conservation area, (2) coordination and communication at the regional level to unify the perception on the development of governance of  tourism in BNP, and (3) implementation and synchronization of  activities and programs of  tourism development in BNP by stakeholders. Active roles and needs of  the stakeholders can be met through more intensive coordination in supporting the management of  BNP. The impact of  the research is to provide input to the better tourism governance in BNP.


Stakeholders; tourism governance; Bunaken National Park

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