Content Analysis on Laws and Regulations Related to Forest and Land Fires Management at National Level, Riau Province, and Bengkalis Regency

Sandhi Imam Maulana, Lailan Syaufina, Lilik Budi Prasetyo, Muhammad Nur Aidi


Forest and land fires in Indonesia have received considerable attention from international communities. In response to this problem, the government has principally tried to stipulate a series of laws and regulations that aimed to control or event halt forest fire events. Nevertheless, forest fires are still recurring fluctuatively up to now. Considering this issue, this study was primarily aimed at obtaining an overview on the effectiveness of policies and strategies implemented to deal with forest and land fires as contained in government’s laws and regulations. This study was conducted based on content analysis approach. Results of this study show that in general, the effectiveness of the government’s policies and strategies in combating forest and land fires are still low. This may happen due to the presence of several drawbacks in regard to policy narratives that are still relying on reactive-based action; lack of attention on economic and technological aspect, particularly related to improvements in land management; as well as fire management work directives that tend to pay less attention to the recurrent pattern of fire events


Kandungan; efektivitas; pengendalian; kebakaran; Bengkalis


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