Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statements

Ethicts of Publication

The journal was accredited by  Indonesian Institute of Science (Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia-LIPI) in 2018 with accreditation number of No. 30/E/KPT/2018. It covers scientific papers resulting from researches, thoughts and reviews dealling with policies on forestry, environment, climate change and others related topics. This code applies to all parties enggaged in the process of journal. The  parties are administrator, editors, peer reviewers and authors. Code of conduct complies with Head of Indonesia Scientific Institute (LIPI) Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Kode Etika Publikasi Ilmiah.  The principles of ethic (i) neutrality, free of interest,  (ii) justice, awarding authority to the authors; and  (iii) honesty, free from duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P).

Task and Responsibilities of Journal Manager

  1. Determining the name of the journal, scope of science, scaling, and accreditation if necessary.
  2. Determining member of editorial board.
  3. Definning relationship between publishers, editors, bestari partners, and others in a contract.
  4. Respecting things that are confidential, both for contributing researchers, authors / authors, editors, or peer reviewers.
  5. Implementing norms and provisions on intellectual property rights, especially copyright.
  6. Reviewing the journal policy and submit it to the author / author, editor board, bestari's partner, and reader.
  7. Developing code guidelines behave for editors and partners bestari.
  8. Publishing a journal regularly.
  9. Ensuring funding sources for sustainability of journal publication.
  10. Building network of cooperation and marketing.
  11. Preparing licence and other legality aspects.


Task and Responsibilities of Editors:

1. Meeting the needs of readers and authors / authors,

2. Organizing proper to improve the quality of publications,

3. Implementing processes to ensure the quality of published papers,

4. Encouraging freedom of objectively expression,

5. Maintaining integrity of the author's academic tract record,

6. Delivering corrections, clarifications, withdrawals and apologies in case of necessary,

7. Taking Responsibility for the style and format of the paper other than contents and statements in the paper whose are the responsibility of the author / author,

8. Seeking actively opinions of authors, readers, peer reviewers, and editorial board members to improve the quality of publications,

9. Encouraging assessment of the journal for any findings,

10. Building initiatives to minimize research and publication errors by requesting authors to enclose an Ethical Clearance form approved by the Ethical Clearance Commission,

11. Supporting initiatives to build researchers’ capaicity on ethical publications,

12. Assessing effect of publishing policy on the authors / writers’ attitudes and peer reviewers and encouraging them to increase responsibility and minimize errors,

13. Having open minds to new opinions or views of others which may be contrary to personal opinion,

14. Not stricking on personal own opinion, authors or third parties which may resulting a non-objective decisions,

15. Encouraging  authors / writers, in order to make improvements of publishing papers.


Task and Responsibilty of Peer Reviewers

1. Obtaining the task from the editor to review papers and submit reviewed papers to the editor, as a recommendation material to determine wether papers feasible or not to publis.

2. The reviewers shall not review their own papers.

3. Ensuring authors’ privacy by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations by providing criticism, suggestions, feedback, and recommendations

4. Encouraging authors /writers to improve or revise their papers

5. Reviewing revised paper in accordance with the standard rules.

6.The papers are reviewed in a timely in order to comply scientific papers (data collection methods, author's legality, conclusions, etc.).


Task and Responsibility of Authors/Writers

1. Ensuring that the authors / authors submitting papers meet the criteria as the author / author.

2. Collectively responsible for content of articles including methods, analysis, calculation, and details.

3. Expressing the origin of resources (including funding), either directly or indirectly.

4. Explaining the limitations in the study

5. Professionally and timely responding to comments of peer reviewers

6. Informing the editor for cancelation the submitted paper.

7. Stating  that the submission papers are original,  not yet published anywhere in any language, and are not in the process of submitting to other publishers.