Spatial Analysis of Flood Vulnerability in Buffer Village Lore Lindu National Park

Muhammad Adam Suni, Cesar Andi Mappatoba, Fadjri Maarif


Lore Lindu National Park (TNLL) has an important role as a conservation area with important values as endemic animal protection, water management, cultural and historical values, representative of the Sulawesi mountain rainforest ecosystem, local wisdom values, and landscape cohesiveness.  Flooding in several buffer villages occurs almost every year. The cause of flooding in this area is an accumulation of several factors, such as global warming, climatological characteristics, hydrology, and the physical condition of the area. This study aims to map the level of flood vulnerability in TNLL buffer villages using Geographic Information System (GIS)-based spatial analysis with scoring and overlay. The research parameters consisted of rainfall, elevation, slope, soil type, land cover/use and distance from the river. This research was conducted in 86 villages buffering TNLL which are divided into 13 sub-districts, because these areas experience flooding every year. The results of the classification of flood vulnerability levels are divided into 4 (four) categories, namely not vulnerable, moderately vulnerable, vulnerable, and very vulnerable. The results of the analysis show that areas that are very prone to flooding have an area of 408 Ha (3.81%), prone category 5,647.03 Ha (1.19%), somewhat prone 52,141.46 Ha (10.95%), moderately prone 162,163.04 Ha (34.05%), and not prone 256,287.66 Ha (53.81%). Areas in the prone to highly prone to flooding zones are areas that have low elevations with gentle to flat slopes and most of the land use is dominated by built-up land, water bodies, mining, rice fields, and open land without vegetation and close to rivers.


banjir; kerawanan; sistem informasi geografi; skoring


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