PENGARUH PERLAKUAN MULSA BATANG JAGUNG DAN STRIP PENGUAT TERAS TERHADAP LIMPASAN PERMUKAAN, EROSI DAN HASIL USAHA TANI (Application effect of corn stem mulch and strengthened terrace strips toward runoff, erosion and farm yield)

Jaka Suyana, Endang Setia Muliawati, Nanik Puji Lestariningsih


A Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) technology is site-specific to the conditions of local farmers. Field trials treatment of crop residue mulch and strengthened terrace strips has been done on dryland farming in Upper Solo and Keduang Sub Watersheds. The results showed: 1) corn + cassava + traditional terrace in Upper Solo Sub Watershed with treatments of: a) 8 ton/ha corn stems mulch and Setaria Grass strip (0-5 months) to strengthen terraces could decrease run off (16.3%) and erosion (31.2%), b) 8 ton/ha corn stems mulch combined with Jali strip decreased run off (11.3%) and erosion (26.9%), and c) 8 ton/ha corn stems mulch combined with Akar Wangi strip decreased run off (10.2%) and erosion (25.9%); and 2) cabbage, red lentils/red bean, and white lentils in Keduang Sub Watershed with treatments of: a) mulching of 12 ton/ha corn stems combined with Kolojono Grass strip (0-4 months) to strengthen terraces decreased run off (4.5%) and erosion (15.5%), b) mulching 8 ton/ha corn stems combined with Akar Wangi strip decreased run off (4.0%) and erosion (14.4%), and c) mulching 4 ton/ha corn stems combined with Jali strip decreased run off  (2.4%) and erosion (13.3%). Giving of 12 ton/ha corn stems mulch could increase yield of cabbage (31.2%), red bean (40.3%), and white lentils (14.5%).


erosion; mulching; crop residue; strengthened terraces; dryland


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Cooperation the Center for Implementation of Standards for Environmental and Forestry Instruments Solo (BPSILHK Solo) with the Indonesian Soil and Water Conservation Society (MKTI)

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