
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

AIM AND SCOPE :  The Journal publishes results research in  forest socio-economics and environment. The scientificpaper should contain correct, clear and substantive information on the field of study.

FORMAT: The scientific paper is written in A4 size paper format (210 mm x 297 mm) with upper margin of 3 cm, bottom margin 3 cm, left and right margin each 2 cm. The form of the scientific paper is 2 columns with the distance between columns 1 cm. The length of the scientific paper should be a maximum of 12 pages, including the attachment. The distance between paragraphs is a single space. The scientificpaper is typed on  Times New Roman, font 12, except for Abstract, Keyword and References written in font 10.



The Identity of the Author

Abstract and Keyword








TITLE :Written in 2 languages, it should reflect the contents of the writing, and written with Times New Roman. Title in Indonesian with font 14, capital letter, erect and no more than 2 lines or no more than 13 words. In English with 12 font, lowercase, italic, and enclosed in brackets.

THE IDENTITY OF THE AUTHOR :The author's name (without title and position) is listed below the title, below it followed by the name and address of the institution, Phone./fax number. As well as the author's e-mail address is written with a smaller font than the text font (font 10).

ABSTRACT: Written in two forms: firstly,  for Abstract Sheet with 100 words maximum, and second (Abstract) 200 words maximum, of which are the essence of the scientific paper as a whole and informative.

KEYWORDS: Written under each abstract, a maximum of 5 entries, written in the language used in Abstract Sheet and Abstract.

I. INTRODUCTION: Includes background, objectives or outcomes, achieved results.

II. RESEARCH METHODS: Research methods must be written in accordance with scientific way, that is rational, empirical and systematic.

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Results are presented in a general description. Arranged sequentially in accordance with the objectives of the study. The discussion can answer the meaning of the achieved results, and its implications.

TABLE:  is numbered, title, and required description, written in Indonesian and English. Table is written with Times New Roman size 10 pt. While title of the table using Times New Roman is 10 pt, left flat and placed at the top of the table.

FIGURE: Pictures, graphics, and other illustrations of images must be in contrast (black and white or color), each of which must be given clear numbers, titles and descriptions in Indonesian and English. Writing captions using Times New Roman font size 10 pt, in center and placed at the bottom.

PHOTO: Must have a good sharpness, given number, title, and clear description in Indonesian and English. The image resolution is recommended at least 300 dpi, so the image remains legible even if it is zoomed in.


A. CONCLUSION: Contains the results already discussed. The things to note are the triangle of consistency (problem-goal-the conclusion must be consistent).

B. RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation can be put forward for readers to consider.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: It is a necessary part of the systematic scientific writing. A study will not succeed without involving those who have helped, either in a financial, technical, or substantive role. Acknowledgments are an obligation, not an  optional.

REFERENCES : The reference is the references that referred to in the text, preferably the most recent issue of the last 5 years. Writing format The reference refers to the American Psychological Association (APA) style. Reference consists of primary and / or secondary reference. Citation writing and bibliography are required to use reference application such as Mendeley & Endnote


NOTE: The use of dots and commas in numerical writing: Text (text) of Indonesian: point (.) Indicates multiples of thousands and commas (,) denotes fractions. English text (texts): dot (.) Denotes fractions and commas (,) denotes multiples of thousands.

CONDITIONS: The Editorial Board has the right to alter the text without reducing the content contained therein, and also has the right to reject the scientificpaper which is deemed not to meet the required provisions. Authors who are not employees of the Agency for Forestry Research and Development shall include a brief curriculum vitae and clear address.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. My paper has not been published before, or is in the process of other publications.
  2. My writing is really the result of my own / team thinking and not a plagiarism from any source (free plagiarism)
  3. I have written this scientific paper in accordance with applicable rules, guidelines, rules of ethics and code of ethics of researchers, as evidenced by attaching the Publication Ethics Statement (Perka LIPI 08/E/2013) when submitting the article (as a supplementary file)
  4. The submitted scientific  paper has been written by using a Word Processing Application (Word: .doc /.docx), with Formats and Styles  that compatible with the prepared JSEK template
  5. The title has been written in two languages in Indonesian and English. Titles made no more than 2 lines or 13 words
  6. Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian, no more than 200 words in English and 200 words in Indonesian
  7. The scientific  paper is completed with abstracts in English and Indonesian, maximum of 100 words for Abstract Sheet
  8. The structure or systematics of writing already consists of: Introduction, Research Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendation, Acknowledgments, and References
  9. References has been using the Mendeley / Endnote application and has been written in the JSEK writing style, by reference to the writing style issued by APA (American Psychological Association)
  10. We as authors do not copy the bibliography of a publication, if we do not read the papers themselves
  11. References has been written with reference to the first source. (The A-style of reference in the B, is not a standard way of reference because it borrows the eyes of others).
  12. Updates References > 80%, can be calculated by the formula:

    (Reference number of the last 10 years / Total of all references) x 100% 

  13. Composition of Primary References in References min. 10 reference and will be better if the percentage is above 80% (international journal, accredited national journal, thesis, dissertation etc.)
  14. A copyright form Copyright Transfer Agreement should be completed once the manuscript is accepted to be published in JSEK as a supplementary file

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.