Potensi Lendir Belut Sawah (Monopterus Albus) sebagai Pestisida Alami Penyebab Layu Eucalyptus pellita (The Potential of Swamp Eel Mucus as a Natural Pesticide Towards Cause of Withering on Eucalyptus pellita)

Ninda Santika, Elsie Elsie, Bayo Alhusaeri Siregar



Wilting disease in plants causes various problems in agriculture, plantations, and industrial forest plantations. The bacteria Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum and the fungus Fusarium oxysporum are important pathogens in Eucalyptus pellita plants and can harm them economically. The purpose of this research was to know the potential of swamp eel mucus extract (Monepterus albus) in inhibiting the growth of R. pseudosolanacearum and F. oxysporum. The antagonist test was conducted ininvitro and the phytotoxicity test was in in-vivo. In vitro test used a Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) test and the antimicrobial confirmed test for E. Pellita (disc diffusion method and poisoned food technique), meanwhile in vivo test used phytotoxicity test to E. pellita. This study used mucus which was extracted with two solvents such as aquadesh (EAQ) and PBS pH 7.4 (EPBS). The results showed that the mucus extract had the potential to inhibit the growth of R. pseudosolanacearum and F. oxysporum. MIC test results showed that the MIC of mucus extract at a concentration of 6.75% against R. pseudosolanacearum and F. oxysporum. Confirmed test results showed the inhibition of the mucus extract against R. pseudosolanacearum was 35.7 mm (very strong) on an EAQ concentration of 25% and antifungal activity was 73.7% (strong) on an EAQ concentration of 12.5%. It showed that there were several differences in antimicrobial activity using various concentrations of swamp eel mucus extract. In-vivo test indicated that the application of mucus extract in E. pellita was non-phytotoxic, so it is safe to be utilized as a natural pesticide.

Key word: Anti microbial, confirmed test, minimum inhibitory concentration, natural pesticide, phytotoxicity


Penyakit layu pada tanaman menyebabkan berbagai permasalahan pada bidang pertanian, perkebunan maupun hutan tanaman industri. Bakteri Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum dan cendawan Fusarium oxysporum merupakan patogen yang telah menimbulkan layu pada bibit Eucalyptus pellita, sehingga dapat merugikan secara ekonomis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis potensi ekstrak lendir belut sawah (Monopterus albus) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan  bakteri R. pseudosolanacearum dan cendawan F. oxysporum. Uji antagonis dilakukan secara in vitro dan uji fitotoksisitas dilakukan secara in vivo. Uji in vitro menggunakan uji Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) dan uji penegasan daya anti mikroba (metode difusi cakram dan poisoned food technique), sedangkan uji in vivo menggunakan uji fitotoksisitas terhadap bibit E. pellita. Lendir belut sawah diekstraksi dengan dua pelarut, yaitu menggunakan aquades (EAQ) dan menggunakan PBS pH 7.4 (EPBS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak lendir belut sawah berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri R. pseudosolanacearum dan cendawan F. oxysporum. Hasil uji MIC menunjukkan bahwa MIC ekstrak lendir pada konsentrasi 6,75% terhadap bakteri R. pseudosolanacearum dan cendawan F. oxysporum. Hasil uji penegasan menunjukkan daya hambat ekstrak lendir terhadap bakteri R. pseudosolanacearum sebesar 35,7 mm (sangat kuat) pada EAQ konsentrasi 25% dan aktivitas anti fungi terhadap cendawan F. oxysporum sebesar 73,7% (kuat) pada EAQ 12,5%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan aktivitas anti mikroba menggunakan berbagai konsentrasi ekstrak lendir belut sawah. Uji in vivo menunjukkan ekstrak lendirnya tidak bersifat fitotoksik pada bibit E. Pellita, sehingga aman digunakan sebagai pestisida alami.                                                                     

Kata kunci: Anti mikroba, fitotoksisitas, minimum inhibitory concentration, pestisida alami, uji penegasan

Kata Kunci

Anti mikroba; fitotoksisitas; minimum inhibitory concentration; pestisida alami; uji penegasan

Teks Lengkap:



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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20886/jpht.2023.20.1.1-17




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