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Author Guidelines


Manuscript for submission is a scientific paper in the field of forest products.

Authors must ensure that the submitted manuscript does not infringe copyright, it has not been published and it is not being submitted for publication elsewhere, with the following rules:

1. Editorial boards accept scientific articles related to Journal of Forest Products Research scope. Manuscript must be original and it has not been published or being processed for any publication

2. Editorial boards are authorized to review the manuscript and possibly discard the manuscript when it does not meet scientific journal requirements. Substantively, manuscript will be reviewed and observed by relevant peer and internal reviewers

3. The manuscript is submitted online via online submission menu, register as user, and attach ethical clearance statement according to Perka LIPI 08/E/2013, which could be downloaded from Publication Ethic menu in journal website

4. Journal Secretariat will reject submission via email. Open Journal System (OJS) guideline is available in the guideline for authors

5. Manuscript are written in Indonesian or English, in MS. Word on A4 size paper, double spaces, 3 cm margins, font Garamond size 12. Insert page number in every page. Figure and Table are wrapped in the text. The manuscript is no more than 25 pages, includes bibiliography and appendices.          

6. Manuscript is written as follows: 

a. Title is written in Indonesian (capitalized, size 16, bold) and English (capital at the begin of every word, size 14, bold, italic) not exceeding 15 words.

b. Author’s full names are stated without mentioning academic title, in the right order, font size 12. Author’s intitutions and addresses are fully written under the author’s names. One main email address is required for main author’s correspondence.

c. Abstract is written in single paragraph, single space, written in Indonesian and English, no more than 250 words and keywords are presented in four to six words or phrases.

d. Introduction contains background and problem statement which are written concisely and clearly paragraphs. Research objective is stated    clearly in the paragraph.

e. Material and Method are clearly state related materials and methods used in the research, including location, data collection procedures and data analysis.

f. Result and Discussion contains of research results and its interpretations. The results are presented in figures or tables and they are discussed in relation to similar studies.

g. Conclusion contains research findings and answering of to the hypotheses and/or research objectives

h. Acknowledgements states grateful to individu or institutions who had supported the research and/or provided funding support.

i. Author Contributions in collaborative scientific writing, it is necessary to include the author’s role in preparing the publication’s manuscript. Inclusion of author contributions is essential to determine the role of the author as the primary contributor or a member contributor. Author’s contributions are written based on the five steps of scientific writing, namely: ideas, designs, and experimental designs; trial, and treatment test; data collection and analysis; manuscript writing; and editing and finalization of the manuscript. Written contributors are displayed in two alphabets representing the author’s name.

Examples of writing author contributions:

Author: Ahmad Yani (AY), Joko Sumartono (JS), and Bambang Budi Purnomo (BP)

Author Contributions:

AY and JS conducted the ideas, designs and experimental designs; trials and test treatments are car ried out by BP; AY, JS, and BP collected and analysed the data; AY   and JS wrote the manuscript; AY and BP edited and finalized the manuscript.

j. References contain bibliographies which have been cited in the text, minimum of 80% references are from primary sources and published in the last five years. The references are formatted in “American Psychological Association (APA)”, style 6th edition. The use of referencing software such as Mendeley and EndNote is highly recommended.

Citation in text

Cangkang buah bintaro mengandung lignoselulosa dan sifat seratnya hampir mirip dengan tempurung kelapa (Iman & Handoko, 2011).


Iman dan Handoko (2011) menyatakan bahwa cangkang buah bintaro mengandung lignoselulosa dan sifat seratnya hampir mirip dengan tempurung kelapa. 

Article of 3-5 authors

In the first quotation in the text, the names of all the authors are written, and for the second and subsequent quotations are simply written 'et al.’.


Arang aktif dapat dibuat dari bahan organik yang dapat dikarbonisasi seperti kulit kenari (Mariez, Torres, Guzman, & Maestri, 2006) 

Mariez et al. (2006) menyebutkan bahwa bagian cangkang kulit kenari menghasilkan arang aktif kualitas paling baik. 

Article of more than 5 authors

In the first and subsequent quotations in the text, the first author's name is written followed by 'et al.'


Berbagai pustaka menyebutkan bahwa kandungan zat ekstraktif dalam kayu berkisar 1-30%, tergantung beberapa faktor diantaranya kondisi pertumbuhan pohon dan musim pada saat pohon ditebang (Donegan et al., 2007) 

Contoh format penulisan Daftar Pustaka (Reference list format

1. Article in scientific journal 1 author

Endom, W. (2013). Produktivitas dan biaya alat hasil rekayasa dalam pengeluaran kayu jati di daerah curam. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 30(1), 63-74. 

2. Article in scientific journal, 2-5 authors

Kissinger, K., Evrizal, A.M.Z., Latifa, K., Darusman, H., & Iskandar, A. (2013). Penapisan senyawa fitokimia dan pengujian antioksidan ekstrak daun pohon merapat (Combretocarpus rotundatus Miq.) dari hutan kerangas. Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 31(1), 9-18. 

Li-bing Z., Mark, P.S., & Sussane, S.R. (2007). A phylogeny of Anisophylleaceae based on six nuclear and plastid loci: Ancient disjuctions and recent dispersal beetween South America, Africa and Asia. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution; Sept 2007, 44(3), 1057–1067, doi: 0.1016/jympev. 2007. 03.002 

3. Article in scientific journal, more than 7 authors

Vissing, K., Brink, M., Lonbro, S., Sorensen, H., Overgaard, K., Danborg, K., ... Aagaard, P. (2008) Muscle adaptations to polymetric vs. resistance training in untrained young men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 22(6), 1799-1810. 

4. Text book, 1 - 5 authors

Sudradjat, H.R. (2006). Memproduksi biodiesel jarak pagar. Jakarta: Penebar Swada. 

Muslich, M., Wardani, M., Kalima, T., Rulliaty, S., & Hadjib, N. (2013). Atlas kayu Indonesia (Jilid IV). Bogor: Pusat Litbang Keteknikan Kehutanan dan Pengolahan Hasil Hutan. 

5. Proceeding

Dulsalam. (2012). Pemanenan kayu ramah lingkungan. Dalam G. Pari, A. Santoso, Dulsalam, J. Balfas, & Krisdianto (Penyunt.), Teknologi Mendukung Industri Hijau Kehutanan. Prosiding Seminar Nasional. Pusat Litbang Keteknikan Kehutanan dan Pengolahan Hasil Hutan, Bogor. (hal. 102 - 114). 

6. Thesis or Disertation

Widyati, E. (2006). Bioremediasi tanah bekas tambang batubara dengan sludge industri kertas untuk memacu revegetasi lahan. (Disertasi). Program Pendidikan Doktor Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.  

7. Research report

Djarwanto & Waluyo, T.K. (2013). Teknologi produksi ragi untuk pembuatan bioetanol. Laporan Hasil Penelitian. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Keteknikan Kehutanan dan Pengolahan Hasil Hutan, Bogor 

8. Article from website

Massijaya, M.Y. (2008). Upaya penyelamatan industri pengolahan kayu Indonesia ditinjau dari sudut ketersediaan bahan baku. Diakses dari, pada 17 Februari 2010. 

9. Article on the website, if no author, mention the institution/organization

Departemen Kehutanan. (2008). Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hasil Hutan telah melaksanakan penelitian pembuatan biodiesel dari biji nyamplung (Calophylum inophylum L.) tahun 2005-2008. Diakses dari nyamplung_Ind.pdf, pada 7 Oktober 2011. 

10. Reference from standard

Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI). (2013). Spesifikasi desain untuk konstruksi kayu (SNI 797-2013). Badan Standardisasi Nasional, Jakarta. 


  1. Send the article to the ejournal JPHH portal ( On the login page, create a new user by clicking register and then fill out the form.
  2. Authors outside the Agency for Forestry Research, Development and Innovation are expected to submit a brief Curriculum Vitae with a clear address and completed Copyright Statement.
  3. The decision of the manuscript acceptance will be notified by mail/e-mail.
  4. The editorial board is not responsible for statements and scientific opinion expressed by the authors.
  5. The editorial board reserves the right to modify the text without reducing the substantive content, , and also reserves the right to reject manuscripts that did not meet the requirements.

For more detail guidelines, authors can use provided templates on a header in this OJS system or can be downloaded here.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. My manuscript has never been published before, or are in the process publication in other publisher.
  2. The article is really the result of his own thoughts / team and is not a plagiarism from any source (free of plagiarism)
  3. The manuscript have followed regulations, guidelines, writing conventions and ethic codes, and attach a Copyright Statement
  4. The manuscript has been prepared using Word Processing Applications (Word: .doc /.docx). (The format should adjust the provided template)
  5. Title is written in Indonesian (capitalized, size 16, bold) and English (capital at the begin of every word, size 14, bold, italic) not exceeding 15 words.
  6. Abstract is written in single paragraph, single space, written in Indonesian and English, no more than 250 words and keywords are presented in four to six words or phrases.
  7. The structure of the text has been composed of: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Author Contributions, and Bibliography.
  8. The references have been written in the writing style of Journal of Forest Products Researchthat is APA (American Psychological Association). It is advisable to use the Mendeley application.
  9. The authors did not cite references if they did not read/find the original publication. Citing style of A in B is not the standard of referencing as it borrowing the other people's eyes.
  10. Recent bibliography > 80%; it can be calculated by using the formula:
    Total bibliography in last 5 years x 100% the total number of bibliography.
  11. The composition of primary references on Bibliography (international journals, nationally accredited journals, thesis, dissertation etc.) min. 10 publications and it would be better if the percentage is over 80%

Copyright Notice


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


The Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan (Journal of Forest Products Research) Forest Products Research and Development Center as publisher of the journal.

People are free to copy and redistribute paper in this journal in any medium or format. People are also free to adapt, remix, transform and build upon the paper in this journal. People must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. People may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorsement. People may not use the paper in this journal  for commercial purposes. If people remix, transform, or build upon the material, they must distribute their contributions under the same license as the original. People may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan (Journal of Forest Products Research) Forest Products Research and Development Center, the Editors and the Advisory Editorial Board make every effort to ensure that no misleading data, opinions or statements be published in the journal. In any way, the contents of the articles and advertisements published in the Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan (Journal of Forest Products Research) are sole and exclusive responsibility of their respective authors.

The Copyright Transfer Form can be downloaded here: [Copyright Transfer Form JPHH 2018]

The copyright form should be signed originally and send to the Editorial Office in the form of original mail, scanned document or fax : 

Prof. (Ris) Dr. Gustan Pari, M.Si., (Editor-in-Chief)
Editorial Office of Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan (Journal of Forest Products Research)
Forest Products Research and Development Center
Jl. Gunung Batu 5, Bogor 16610, Java Indonesia.
Phone: +62-251-8633378
Fax: +62-251-8633413


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